Sanctus Spiritus Variations on Hildegard of Bingen

for flute and piano

Listen to Sanctus Spiritus Variations with flautist Monica Salas and pianist Nell Clowder

Hildegard of Bingen lived in the 12th century. As a child, she was given to a convent to live a holy life. In that environment, she matured into a mystic, a healer, and a composer.

Her chant, Spiritus Sanctus, forms the basis of this set of variations. The phrases of Hildegard's chant have each been taken as a source for one variation, as follows:

Theme: Spiritus Sanctus vivificans vita movens omnia et radix est   Holy Spirit, the quickener of life, the motivator of all things, the root
Var 1 (1:00): Spiritus Sanctus vivificans vita movens omnia   Holy Spirit, living and life-giving, the life that's all things moving
Var 2 (3:02): et radix est in omnia crimina   the root in all created being
Var 3 (4:43): ac omnia de inmundicia abluit tergens crimina   of filth and muck it washes all clean, wiping away guilty stains
Var 4 (6:24): ac ungit vulnera et sic est fulgens laudabilis vita   healing our wounds, is our true life luminous and wonderful
Var 5 (7:52): suscitans et resuscitans omnia   rousing and awakening everything

score (for flute part, please email a request to nell[dot]clowder[at]