Welcome to the people,
Welcome to all souls,
Welcome every creature,
Welcome all that grows.
We gather to ask the blessings
Of the earth, of fire, of air,
To ask the blessings of the water
Goodness everywhere.
Neighbors welcome*, travelers welcome.
Let all join now in delight,
Filled with awe and wonder at the mystery of life.
Welcome to our friends who walk on four feet.
Welcome to our friends who roll on wheels.
Welcome to our friends, the yogis and accountants.
Welcome to the foolish and the wise.
Welcome to the north wind,
Welcome to the south,
Welcome gentle breezes,
Winds that shake the house.
We gather in this circle
No beginning and no end,
This circle made of people
May our voices blend.
Tall ones welcome, small ones welcome.  |  Wild ones welcome, shy ones welcome.
Let all join now in delight,
Filled with awe and wonder at the mystery of life.
Welcome to our friends joyful dancers  | full of laughter
Welcome to our friends heavy with tears.
Welcome to our friends the cis and transgendered  | the ones who seek shelter.
Welcome those who cough and wish they were not here.
You ancestors, you our children,
Hear this song we sing for you.
In our hearts, in our hearts
You keep a holy rhythm.
Welcome, welcome!
We say welcome!

Welcome © 2024 by Nell Clowder

* It's ok to change a few words to fit an occasion or timely circumstances. For example, if performing at a retirement home, you might want to welcome the young and the old. Words must be inclusive and keep the spirit of the original text. Acknowledge any such changes thus: "words and music by Nell Clowder, some words adapted by <mychorus>"